Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Bite Me-Chapter 10

Bodies. Blood. Everywhere around me. I felt the presence of something sinister lurking around me in the dark woods. Bodies of humans and vampires lie everywhere on the dirt floor. The strong scent of blood in the air. I knew this place. The woods in where I was standing. But where? I felt the memory itching at the back of my mind. I tried to grab onto it, but it went away when I heard the snap of a stick breaking on the forest floor.

"Who's there?" I ask. A black figure steps out of the shadows. I gasp, feeling tears building up. Before me is a man with soft brown eyes, a man in his forties. He was wearing dark, sad clothes, smiling with a sad expression on his face.

He walks toward me, but I step back, unsure of what to think. He still smiles sadly, but this time he looks more hurt than sad. His brown hair, I notice, has grey streaks.

"Daddy?" I cry and run toward him. He embraces me in his arms and whispers how much he loves me in my ear. After a while, he pushes me back and takes a good look at me. I smile. This is the first dream I had since the accident.

"Sweetheart, someone is coming for you." He said and stared at me for a comment. It was clear I didn't. "I am a spirit. You can talk to the dead in dreams." He added.

"You're not my dad." I said in a dangerous voice. He never called me sweetheart. It was always pooh bear or care bear, but never sweetheart. I know it was weird, but that's how I knew my dad.

Suddenly, his face curved into a wicked smile and my dad was replaced by someone with blond hair. "Hello, my special little vampire." He grinned. Hero. The dark vampire who had caused me to change so fast. He was the cause of my death.

"Hey! You made me hug you!" I made a face and he laughed. His laugh was the only warm thing he had. I suddenly didn't feel mad at him for killing me and my turning sooner than expected anymore. I looked at him through new eyes. He was really beautiful, I wanted to run into his arms again.

In the blink of an eye, He stood in front of me and leaned by my neck. My breath caught and I froze. He tore into my flesh and drank from me. Usually, Getting bit felt good, but when he bit me, I screamed in pain. It felt like someone cut me all over my body. I tried to pull back, but he was too strong.

I felt someone shaking me when and my eyes flew open. Train looked frantic and was sweating. He was wearing boxers, just boxers. No shirt at all. I saw the worry in his face, but I was paying more attention to his muscles. Oh. My.God. He looked like a Greek god.

"Are you OK? I felt your fear and-" He cut himself off with a gasp. He touched my neck and pulled back his hand to show blood. I gasped this time and ran over to my bathroom. Train was right behind me, asking who bit me, sounding jealous.

"I thought it was a dream." I said aloud, more to myself than him. Two fang marks were on my neck with blood running down both holes.

"What are you talking about?" He asked. I decided to tell him all about it. Heck, we were imprinted, he would find out soon enough. While I explained, he listened quietly with little questions.

"Hero can talk to you in dreams, which apparently real things can happen to your body?" He pointed to my neck. Noticing it was still bleeding, he leaned forward and licked it. I shivered at his touch. "Come on, we are going to talk to someone that can help." He said, leading me out of the room before I could say anything.

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