Thursday, April 29, 2010

Bite Me-chapter nine

I heard a knock on my dorm door, but I ignored it. I had almost killed Train. I was about an hour late for the meeting with the queen, but I didn't want to see her. I felt the hunger still burning inside of me, but I tried my best to ignore that too. I huddled in the darkest corner of my room, not wanting anyone to see me in this horrible state. I heard more knocks on the door, but soon, everything was quiet.

All of the sudden, the door came crashing down. I glanced up to see Train rushing toward me. I wiped my tears, but couldn't bring myself to look at them. I buried my face in my arms again and closed my eyes. I felt someones arms wrap around me and felt warm all over. I didn't have to look up to know it was Train. I froze as soon as he touched me. I knew I couldn't control myself if he was near me.

I pushed away and pressed myself against the wall. I wasn't shirtless anymore, I changed into a tank top and shorts when I got back. I was crying for three hours straight and didn't want to face anybody. I was the worst girlfriend anybody could have. I didn't want to hurt him, so I decided to stay away.

He stepped forward and closed the space between us. He put his arms up so I didn't have any way of escaping. I could see the blood flowing through his veins, the beating of his black heart. I remembered what Mr.Barnes said about our hearts turning black when we died. They still beat, of course, but somehow they worked better than humans.

Train leaned forward until I couldn't turn my head to the side either. I was completely cornered. He looked at me with such intensity that I held my breath. I wanted to look away, but something on his face held me still.

"Bite me" he said calmly. I gasped. What? If I bit him, I could kill him. He turned so that his neck was open, showing the bite marks from earlier. I tried to break away, but he pulled me closer. I saw the white of his neck and was entranced. I stopped struggling and leaned closer to his neck. I heard his breath catch as I brushed my fangs on his neck. I slowly sank my teeth into his flesh and heard him groan in pain. I felt his warm blood in my mouth. Sweeter than any candy I have ever tasted. Stronger than any alcohol I ever tried. I felt his life quiver, his heart slowing. I was drinking the life from him. He groaned in pleasure, not feeling his live going slowly. A bite made both the vampire and the person getting bit feel a sexual bond toward each other. Sometimes it made the feeder or person getting bit, feel like they were getting high, but it was better. When Train bit me, I didn't want him to ever stop. Most human feeders got addicted to the bites and were known as blood kissed. I learned all of this because the principal, Mrs. Granger, gave me text books to caught up to speed. I was up for two days reading because I felt stupid when I got called on and didn't know the answer.

I knew I had to pull away, the thought in the back of my head. I reluctantly yanked myself away from his neck. I could see it was still bleeding, and I felt myself lean in and lick the spots that I bit. The wound immediately stopped bleeding, but was a long way from healing. I realized how deep I sank my teeth into his flesh and noted to be careful next time, if there was a next time.

I looked at Train. He smiled at me and leaned in the kiss me. We kissed for what seemed like forever until we broke apart. I knew he was getting closer to my neck as he kissed me on the cheek and jaw. I held my breath as he sank his fangs deep into my skin. I whimpered in pain and moaned in pleasure. I pulled him closer to me and he pulled me to him. I felt something click between us. I felt it when he drank from me the first time, but it was stronger. He drank until I felt dizzy, and forced himself to pull away. I groaned when he did, but knew if he didn't stop, I would be dead. For real this time.

We stared at each other in silence for a couple more minutes. Train was the one to break it. "We imprinted." He said slowly. He felt guilty that we imprinted without me knowing until it was done. He couldn't stop himself. Wait. Why, how did I know what he was feeling? I felt him closer to me that ever before. A bond stronger than any other bond.

"I could feel what you're feeling." I say, looking at him with a curious glaze.

"I could feel what you're feeling too. It comes with the bond. We can communicate to each other through our minds." I gasped as he said this. This was all coming too fast. I sat on my bed and tried to take it all in. He sat by me and held my hand. "Don't worry, we will get through this together." He said as he leaned to kiss me. It was a quick kiss, but when his lips touched, I felt warm all over again. "The Queen must be furious with you" He suddenly said.


We met the Queen in a unused gym on the other side of the campus. The maids had cleaned it up to where it resembled a ballroom. Chandlers hung all over the ceiling and candles were decorated around the entire gym. The chandlers sparkled with the light from the candles and made little spots of light scattered everywhere. I had to blink because it was almost too beautiful. Humans wouldn't find it as amazing, but through vampire eyes, it was incredible. I noticed every little detail in the room.

My eyes fell on the queen just as she started to speak. She looked about in her early forties and had blond hair tied in a bun. She wore a dress that could have been five thousand dollars and a necklace ,that had a heart pendant, that could have been seventy thousand. She was beautiful for her age, but that was an understatement. She looked like a movie star or model.

I walked forward and copied Train, kneeling down. We then got up and introduced ourselves. "Good evening, your Majesty, I am Drew Welock." I said and stepped back. She smiled and looked at me with the knowing expression that made me shiver.

"Come here, child. I shall give you a gift from the Goddess herself." She said in a friendly tone. I walked toward her outstretched arms and placed my hands in hers. She smiled at me with a grin the size of a watermelon. "Close your eyes dear." She said with her weak voice.

All of the sudden, I felt a tingling pain and gasped as it swiftly increased. It hurt so bad that my fangs slid out of their sheaths, ready to fight. I had to bit my tong just to stop myself from screaming. I could taste the metal in my mouth from my own blood. Finally, the pain stopped, and I feel down to the floor, unable to hold myself.

I felt Train's shock through the bond as he rushed toward me. I slowly got up, with his help, and faced the Queen. For the first time since I met her, she was frowning. She looked so worried and nervous that I walked up and hugged her. I didn't know what made her so upset, but somehow, I had to comfort her. I heard her gasp, along with others, as I slowly pulled back to look at her.

"Whatever it is, I can handle it, what's wrong?" I asked gently. Her smile returned at these words, but it didn't reach her eyes.

"You are the only one who has the element of black fire. It s true that students here have fire, but your fire is mixed with death. Therefore, it is black. When I gifted you with your element, it wasn't originally supposed to hurt, but that is the effect of death." She paused, looked at me, and continued." There are two more like you at this school, they have abilities and elements that no one else has. I will send you to talk to them later. Now, I need rest, gifting someone an element takes energy." She smiled weakly.

I tried to understand this. Black fire? I didn't quite understand." There's something your not telling me." I said calmly.

"You have to figure out the rest on your own, dear."She said and shooed me away.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Bite Me-chapter eight

Combat training was easy. I fought everyone, and lost every time. I was weak for being a new vampire. I say I lost every fight, but the truth is, I beat Claus. I also found out he was the weakest in the entire class, but he was strong compared to humans. Great. I thought I was pretty strong until falling on my butt about a thousand times. I was bruised head to toe. Walking to second period was going to be horrific. A couple of people looked at me apologetically, others laughed.

A girl with a doll face and cute smile came up to me in magic class. I recognized her as the girl with Train the night of the fight. They were practically sucking face when I was walking out of the gym. Looking at her now sent a chill down my spine.

"You ruined my life!"She screamed in my face. I could see that in the corner of my eyes that a circle of students were gathering around us. Probably hoping we would fight. I looked at her like she was stupid, then started walking away.

When I turned around, I slammed into a wall. It was sticking out of the ground and I saw that it was connected to earth. I spun around to find the girl smiling and others laughing.

"I'm Haven, your worst nightmare."She hissed. I ignored her and looked back at the wall. Her magical element must be earth, I thought. I heard one day in magic class that you were given one element from the queen when you were turned. The queen was at the royal court on a island the human race didn't know about. It was the most talked about subject in this school. I wasn't given an element from the queen, but Mrs. Granger, the principal, had told me that the queen would be coming to the school just to see me. She also told me to keep it a secret for my own good. If I told everyone, I would get bombarded with questions.

I looked back at Haven and got ready for another attack. She smiled again and closed her eyes. Dumb move. I ran toward her and struck out my fist. Something flashed in front of me and I found that I couldn't stop the punch. A sharp pain ran through my body and I yelped. Falling back, I held my hand close to me like it was a baby. Some people cheered for Haven and others just shook their heads in disappointment at me.

I closed my eyes and didn't move. This was beyond embarrassing, and I just wanted to beat the crap out of Haven. I refused to cry, no matter how bad the pain was. I slowly stood up, fiery being the only thing that fueled me. Dropping my left, now useless, arm, I charged toward her. I caught her by surprise and kicked her in the face. She screamed as I punched her again. I made sure she didn't have time to use her magic, I was going to kill this little witch. I heard people shouting at me to stop, seeing that I went to far, but I ignored them. Some tried to pull me off, but I knocked them backward.

I stopped when I saw the blood on my hands. I had broken Haven nose, I noticed. Looking at the blood, my mouth started to water. Human blood was just to keep me alive, but other vampire blood looked so good. Wait, what was I thinking? All the other vampires thought each others blood was the most disgusting thing on the planet. Why was I different?

The smell of Havens blood engulfed me and I leaned forward. She was whimpering, but not moving. Probably afraid of what I would do next. I saw her neck and froze. What am I doing? Questions floated around in my head. I shook them away and leaned even closer to bit into her neck when I got yanked off her. I looked up to find Train looking at me with a disproving look.

He told the students that were still surrounding to take Haven to the infirmary and then dragged me off to the Principals office without saying a word. I walked in looking at the floor. I felt bad. Not for Haven, but that I made Train mad. I had never seen him so mad before. Mrs. Granger looked up when we were in the room and the door was closed. Glancing around the room, trying to avoid her eyes, I noticed someone else in the room.

A tall boy wearing all black with a face that looked similar to Train's, smiled a friendly smile that didn't reach his eyes. He seemed only two years older than Train. He stood up and walked toward me. Train was wearing a blank face as soon as we walked in. I glanced at him and then back at the boy. He held out his hand and I took it. I winced when we shook hands and noticed that I was covered in bruises. Today had to be the worse day ever.

I realized he never let go of my hand and started to pull away when he spoke."Allow me" He said softly. His voice was deeper than Train's and had a sexy sound mixed in with it. He put his other hand on my arm and closed his eyes. Gasping, I stared wide-eyed at what he had done. He stepped back and watched me with amusement all over his face. All of my bruises were gone, not even showing that they had ever been there. "I am a spirit user. My name is Bram. I am also Train's older brother." He spoke with a smile playing on his lips. He seemed to be interested in me.

Looking at him, I said." I'm Drew. Nice to have met you, but I have to go." I had to get out of here. I could feel burning in my stomach, I was hungry, but not for human food. I walked over to Mrs.Granger and gave her a look to say I needed to talk to her. Maybe it happened to some vampires.

"Miss Welock, If you have something to say, you can say it in front of the Queens most trusted friend, Mr. Linberg." Oh great. Well, I had to tell her sometime, or I might pass out from hunger.

"I hate human blood" I spoke quickly, not looking at anyone."When I was beating the crap out of Haven, I broke her nose and blood was everywhere, I almost bit into her and sucked her dry." I said the rest dryly. I hated this. I felt embarrassed. I heard a gasp come from her but the boys stayed silent.

"That's impossible."She said,more to herself than me. She turned toward Train and Bram questionably. It was Bram who spoke.

"Our family is the only one that can make vampires who desire each others blood. Drew is the second. The first died of starvation because she refused to drink from other vampires, saying she wanted to be a normal kind of vampire. Anyone we turn will turn into a vampire who feeds off willing vampire donors. Their bit is wonderful though, and if everyone knew that Drew was turned by Train, they would be begging her to bit them. Luckily, Mrs.Granger told everyone she turned Drew."

He finished and looked at me for a reaction, but I didn't have one. A small fire of hunger was burning inside of me. Bram and Train seemed to notice and looked at each other. Train walked over to me and took me outside.

We walked over to the boy dorms and up the stairs to his room. Once inside, I saw that his room was simple. It said nothing about him ,besides the fact that he kept everything neat. He lead me over to his bed and tossed me on it. I looked up at him questionably. He sat on top of me now and I felt my breath quicken. He looked at me with his intense blue eyes, studying my mouth, cheek, and down to my neck. He leaned closer and kissed me. It was a deep, passionate kiss, filled with warmth and happiness. I didn't care what was happening anymore, all I saw was him.

He kissed me softly until he got to my neck. My breath caught and a sharp pain ringed through my body. The pain was soon replaced with joy and I was really happy for some reason. He slowly pulled away and looked into my eyes. He pressed his lips to mine again and I pulled him closer. I felt him slipping off my shirt and holding my thigh, bringing me closer.

I rolled over so that I was on top of him, and leaned forward. I bit into his neck without hesitation and took blood from his veins. I felt his life getting smaller and heard him telling me to stop. Suddenly, I felt cold water splash down on me. I pulled away and threw myself into the nearest wall, putting my arm on my fangs to control myself. I saw that Bram was standing with a bucket near Train. Looking at Train, I saw him slowly sit up, holding his neck. He looked paler than before and I looked back down.

"I'm sorry."I said. I felt tears threatening to fall. I almost killed Train, for good. My emotions began to stur and I noticed that I bit my own arm trying to stay away. I slid down until I was sitting on the floor. I bring my knees up and covered my face. I felt awful, how could I do something like that?

I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up. Bram looked at me with a sympathetic expression. "You will be able to control it soon, Train and I both drink other vampire blood too. Family curse, I guess." He shrugged and looked back at Train. " He'll be fine after a days rest, but you have to visit the queen in an hour. I suggest you get ready."He finished and walked over to the door.

After that, he sent me off the get ready to meet the queen.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Bite Me-Chapter seven

I woke up at eleven to get ready for classes at twelve. I took a quick shower and walked over to the mirror. I screamed super loud. My skin was pale white. My dyed black hair wasn't black anymore, it was a deep brown. My hair still looked black, but I could tell it wasn't.

But the reason behind my scream was me teeth. Two long white fangs stuck out sharp and deadly. They ached like I had a tooth ache. I looked at my full reflection again, all my features had been sharpened. My eye color had changed into a deep red.

I heard the hall monitor banging on the door, telling me to open up and ran over to get it. Opening it, the monitor was going to ask me what was wrong when she saw my eyes. She dragged my downstairs and told me to sit in one of the chairs while she made a few calls. Meanwhile,my teeth began to hurt like someone was ripping them out.

The monitor finally walked me over to boy dorms and led me up to the forth floor. I tried asking her questions, but she hushed me every time. We finally reached a door at the very end of the hall and stopped. She knocked on the door and we both waited quietly.

I heard someone opening the door and started wondering why the monitor brought me here. The dark haired boy stuck his head out and his eyes locked on me. Train. He and the monitor talked in whispers and then Train took my arm and we walked toward to cafeteria.

"What's going on?" I asked. I was dieing to know what was going on. The hall monitor hadn't told me a thing.

"I am taking you to the feeders so you can eat." He replied.

"The feeders? Um...I am not that hungry." I started to turn away when he caught my arm. I couldn't imagine drinking the blood of someone and hurting them. I just couldn't.

"Your fangs hurt right? You need to feed or the aching will get worse." He said and then started dragging me to the feeders while I protested.

When we reached the feeders, the smell of blood engulfed me. Train led me to one of the receptionist to make an appointment. I looked around. Everything looked like a hospital. There were tons of rooms filled with humans. Humans that willingly let vampires bit them were called feeders. There were schools like this all over the world with tons of feeders in each. The front counter that we stood at had a couple of feeders that were signing in and going to their rooms. Most of the feeders were girls, I noticed.

The receptionist called us over and we followed her to the back room. An old lady sat in a recliner chair on the left side of the room and a boy, about my age age, sat in a recliner on the opposite side. The room was painted a ugly mustard yellow that was peeling off from old age. The old lady smiled when we walked into the room and Train went over to greet her. Train finished with greetings and turned back toward me.

"This is Merilyn." He pointed to the old lady and she waved at me. I smiled at her and looked back at Train."She has been my feeder since I was put in this school. Everyone here is assigned to a feeder at random and feeds off the same person everyday." He looked at me and continued."A single feeder can be assigned up to eight students, but Merilyn is only assigned to me." He pointed to the boy on the other corner." And that is your feeder. He isn't assigned to anyone else but you.His name is Bram." He concluded and led me over to Bram.

Bram gave me a huge smile and said hello. I smiled back and returned the hello.He had sandy brown hair and seaweed-green eyes. He was wearing a hospital gown.

He suddenly leaned over to show his neck.Train turned and said that I should fed. He then walked over to Merilyn and she leaned to where her neck showed too. Train leaned over her with his fangs showing and bit her. She whimpered at the bit but was soon moaning lowly.

I turned back to Bram. His eyes were closed and he was ready. I leaned over and hesitated. I was nervous and didn't know how to start. Finally, I lifted my fangs and bit into his flesh. I made sure not to bit to deep so I wouldn't kill him. I drank a couple gulps of warm blood before pulling away, He moaned because of me suddenly stopping. I wanted more, but I knew I had already drained him of a lot of blood. Stepping away so I didn't get tempted, I bumping into someone. Spinning around, I found Train already done as well.

"Your good with control." He commented me. I gasped and stared at him."What?" he said.

"You never seemed to be the commenting type is all." I replied sarcastically. He laughed his musical laugh. We locked eyes at that moment. He stopped smiling and leaned toward me. I looked into his deep, metallic blue eyes and everything around us disappeared. He suddenly kissed me lightly at first, but then he kissed me again, this time longer and harder. His lips were soft and warm against mine. I felt sparks of joy and felt static all around us. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer.

We kissed for what seemed like forever before pulling away. I looked at him for answers on what just happened. Merilyn and Bram were both too drained that they hadn't been paying attention on what just happened. Train looked at me with the same expression I held. Shocked but happy.

"Will you be my girl?" He asked, looking down into my eyes. My head was spinning. He and I had just kissed and now he wants me to be his girlfriend? Everything was happening so fast. Could I forgive him so easily after playing with my emotions?

"I don't know" I said honestly."We barley know each other,it has only been a week." What was I supposed to do?

He looked at me with undivided attention.He cupped my face with his hands."Do you like me?" He asked.

I met his eyes and answered."Yes."

"That's all we need. I like you too."

"OK" I said.

We hugged, this time as boyfriend and girlfriend. The bell rang for class to start and we walked to class hand in hand.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Bite Me-Chapter six

I knew that running away didn't solve anything. But it was better than being stuck with Train. I had a crush on him the first time we met. I know dark allies are usually scary, but Train made everything in the world disappear when I was with him. We haven't known each other long, but I felt like I knew him since we were little. But I couldn't stand him with other girls. I felt the darkness of my emotions. I hated the girl he was with. I even hated him now.

I packed my little belongings and pretended to sleep until it was five in the morning. Getting up, I decided to climb out the window. There was a hall monitor in the lobby of the dorm. Looking out the window, I gulped. I was on the top floor, which was the fifth floor. I took a deep breath and slide out the window. I felt the ledge beneath me. I moved a foot down until I felt something I could get a hold on. I went to put my other foot down when I slipped.

Oh no! I tried to grab anything I could. I felt the wind pushing up at me. Help! I thought. I heard myself try to scream, but the sound never came. I closed my eyes in defeat. There was nothing I could do now. I braced myself to hit the floor, but it never came either.

Someone was holding me, that was all I knew. I didn't want to open my eyes. I felt safe. Finally, for what seemed like forever, I squinted my eyes open. He had blond hair and was wearing all black. I jumped out of his arms and felt a wave of dizziness. It faded and I looked up at him. He wasn't anybody I knew, but he wasn't a student. I looked at his clothing again and noticed by his jacket that he must be a guard. Great. I turned around and walked back toward the dorms, there was no point. I wasn't going to run away after all.

Grabbing my arm, he turned me around." Where are you going off to?Weren't you going to run away?" I looked at him, shocked. He was going to let me go.

" Then you'll let me go then?" I questioned him. He only nodded. I saw he had a name tag that read 'Hero'. I smiled at him and grabbed my bag that had fallen with me. "Thank you, Hero." I said and ran toward the far off gate.

I didn't question him for letting me go, I just had to get out of here before everyone woke up. I jumped over the fence and took off running until I got tired.

I was a mile away from the school when I heard a laugh and spun around. Hero was sitting on a tree branch that wasn't far away from me.

"What... Who are you really?" I questioned him. I should have suspected him from the beginning. He couldn't have been a guard if he let me go.

He laughed again and smiled at me. " I am Hero, but, despite my name,I am nowhere close to a hero." He smirked. "I actually snuck into the school when I saw you falling from the dorm building. I saved you, and now you owe me your life."

I was the one laughing this time. He sounded like he was from a comic book. I stopped laughing when I realized he was serious."You didn't have to save me." I said. " You could have just let me die."

His smile faltered." Well, this will be easy then. I think I will torture you until you beg for me to kill you." With that, He jumped toward me and pinned me to a tree. My head slammed into the old oak of the tree and I gritted my teeth. I fought to break free, but it was pointless. He was strong. Too strong. I felt my body go limp in defeat.

"Already giving up?" He grinned," Well, I guess I will kill you quickly." He slammed me into the tree three more times. I felt blood in the back of my head. My vision was blurring. I screamed as loud as I could. I knew it probably wouldn't help, but I couldn't die right now. Hero slammed me one last time into the oak tree and left. He left me for dead.

My vision was still blurry, but I could see tons of the school guards running toward me and searching the area for who did this to me. I already knew he was long gone. My scream had been heard. If they were human, nobody would have found me. Vampires had far better hearing.

I whimpered from the pain and loss of blood. Soon though, I couldn't feel anything. I knew I was dieing, but it was peaceful in a weird way. I closed my eyes, letting the darkness take over me. I heard shouting. They wanted me to hang on, to wake up, but I couldn't. I was tired of fighting.

I opened my eyes while they were carrying me back to the school. I wasn't dead yet, but once I made it back, I would be. I think the guards knew that too, because I heard them talking about my pulse slowing.

When we reached the school, I was barley hanging on. I felt myself slipping away from life. I tired to hold on but it was too late. The guards burst into the principals office. I realized that Train was there. He looked grim when he talked to her. When he turned around, his face held an expression he never showed around anyone. Tears streaked his face. I tried to say something, but only a whisper came.

The guards lay me on the floor. I felt like I was in a dream. Everything was framed with white , and everyone seemed unreal. The principal was talking to me, but I couldn't hear her. Train leaned down and kissed my forehead. I couldn't feel it, but I imaged what it would feel like.

I noticed something silver out of the corner of my eyes. It was handed to Train. He held out his arm and made a slashing movement. I whimpered when I saw red. Blood. Train knelt over me and pressed his arm next to my mouth. I tasted something and started drinking it. I couldn't stop once I started. It was sweet, yet sour and tasted like nothing I have ever tasted before. I couldn't describe how good it was.

I felt Train yank away and I whimpered. Suddenly, I felt a burning inside of me. It was worst than any heartburn I had ever felt before. I started screaming and the guards held me down. My vision blurred again and everything around me seemed to disappear. The burning got worse to where I couldn't even scream. I tried to break out of the guards arms, but it was pointless. The burning was like getting burned from the inside out.

The burning finally subsided and I relaxed. I heard my heartbeat slow. I couldn't breath, but it was alright. I felt relaxed and peaceful. Dieing wasn't supposed to be peaceful, but I didn't care. I closed my eyes, and the last thing I saw was Train's face.

But a minute later I was awake. I blinked and looked around. Train stood in front of me. Most of

the guards left, but two guarded the door. Mrs.Granger walked over to me and touched my shoulder. I flinched and shrugged her hand off. She looked at me with sad eyes.

"Do you know who you are?" She asked me. I glanced at Train, who had moved back for Mrs.Granger.

"Drew" I answered, still looking at Train. He was still crying lightly. I stood up and the guards rushed over to me and held me down. I pushed at one guard and realized that I sent him off flying into a wall. I did the same to the other and walked over to Train. He looked at me sadly and I reached toward him. This time he was the one who flinched. I pulled my hand back and walked to a nearby chair. I sat down and pulled my legs into my chest. I put my head down and closed my eyes.

Why had he flinched? Why had I flinched? All of the sudden I remembered. Hero, a guy pretending to be a school guard, attacked me. I felt a tear slide down my eye at the memory. I felt scared all over again, helpless. I cried harder. I held myself tighter.

I felt arms wrap around and looked up. Train. He hugged me and everything else in the world disappeared. Nothing else mattered right now.

"I am so sorry. So, so sorry. I didn't mean to say those things, or to flinch I-" He was saying when I cut him off. I looked up at him.

"I am sorry for what I did too, but I have something to report before this school is in serious danger." I turned to Mrs.Granger and told her everything about Hero up until now. Her eyes widened at the mention of Hero, but she didn't speak until I was done.

"Hero is the bad half of a vampire. Every vampire deals with their bad half. Only some can destroy theirs. Those who don't are taken over by their dark half."She spoke grimly.

"Does anyone want to explain how I am still alive? I mean, he slammed me into a tree about twenty times." I blurted out. Everyone looked at me like I was stupid or something.

Finally, Train answered." I turned you into a vampire, when you tasted my blood, what did you think you were drinking, chocolate milk?" He said sarcastically."Oh, and your dead, or undead, either way, you died once."

I stared at him, my jaw hitting the floor. I finally understood everything. "OK, I get it now." I said as calmly as I could. No wonder everything looked different. Everything had looked sharper when I woke but I hadn't been paying much attention. I had been to confused.

Train looked at me and laughed. My eyes shot up at him. His laugh was musical. "You are the same as ever." He looked at me with a big smile. "You just accept anything that comes flying toward you." This time I smiled. I knew I should be shocked about being a vampire, but something inside me told me that I already knew and I just wanted to hear it be told to me aloud. Train seemed to be thinking the same thing.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Bite Me-Chapter five

" I can't believe you got in trouble your first day of school." Train groaned as we walked to the gym. While we walked, I realized that students have stopped and to star at me. Great. I had wanted to be invincible during school so I wouldn't have any problems. well, that plan backfired.

"I'm surprised that your not talking about my tattoos." I glanced down at my arm. Train had told me that the snake biting its own tail was called Ouroboros. It meant rouge vampires, but the school was very civilized and it was meant to warn real rouge vampires.

He laughed and turned toward me. He stopped when he was in front of me. He took my arm and traced the tattoo. I shivered and he looked into my eyes. He wasn't smiling anymore and he looked at me with his metallic blue eyes, searching my face."You want to kiss me." His voice was deep and husky. Suddenly, I wanted to kiss him so much. I leaned forward and nodded. He smiled and leaned down. I could hear some students stopping and whistling but didn't care. All I wanted to do was kiss him.

Did I? A voice popped in my head. Did I really want to kiss him?Yes, the answer had to be yes. I closed my eyes and leaned in closer.

I felt him suddenly push away from me and continued walking. I just stared after him in question. I felt tears threaten to come out but blinked them away as fast as they had come. He probably thought that I would miss the fight and cry in the bathroom, I realized. That jerk, well, I am NOT giving up now. I walked off toward the gym furiously.

I burst through the doors and toward to mats in the middle of the gym. The bleachers against the wall were filled with students and teachers waiting for the fight. I caught a glimpse of Train in one of the bottom row bleachers looking shocked to see me walking over toward the mats. He called out to me to forfeit, but I turned away and walked forward.

Once at the mats, the teacher instructed me to face Claus. Claus whispered sorry and the fight began.

Claus suddenly disappeared. I spun around just as he was about to attack me in the back and barley managed to doge it. I readied myself for another attack. He was fast, but I had to be faster. It is not easy considering he is a vampire. Still, I was furious and I needed to get it out.

I felt a hit to my back and stumbled forward, only to find him in front of me. I knew he was going to punch up and dodged it, swinging my fist toward his face. It hit him hard and he stumbled a little. That was all I needed. I quickly punched him in the stomach and he doubled forward. The crowd gasped. They hadn't expected me to even land a hit and I knew it. I glanced over at Train and pointed a figure toward him. Everyone turned and looked at Train.

"You're next." I said loudly for everyone to hear. I turned back to find that Claus was gone. I spun around and was hit right in the stomach. I ignored the pain and lunged at him. He dodged and kicked me in the side. I fell to the ground and heard the teacher counting down from ten.

I closed my eyes and thought back to when I was only nine. My mom had made me sign up for karate to learn how to defend myself after I was bullied by the other girls in my class. I tried to remember what I had learned. All of the sudden, My eyes flew open and I jumped up before the teacher could say one. He looked at me, shocked I could still stand.

I turned toward Claus who seemed to be equally surprised, and lashed out a kick to his head. It landed because of how quick I was. He staggered and I punched him in the face. He fell to the floor but got up quickly. lashed out again and he dodged it. We fought like that for a while. Hitting and punching at each other.

Claus finally pinned me down."Well, your good at karate, but your still a human."And that was it. That was all he said. I struggled to break free, but he only held me tighter. The teacher counted down to one and it was over. Claus helped me up but staggered back and I fell on top of him.

"Ow..." I heard he say. I rolled off of him and lay beside him on the mats. I couldn't feel anything now, but i knew it would hurt. The bleachers became empty as more students and teachers left and I got up.

The teacher stuck out his hand and smiled." Good job fighting our strongest person. I know he went harder on you the most of our students. You will make a fine vampire. I am glad to welcome you into our classroom. I am Mr.Barnes." He finished and I shook his hand.

" I'm Drew, thank you for accepting me into your class." I said, but the words 'you will make a fine vampire' stuck to me. I said my byes to Claus and Mr,Barnes and left toward the dorms.

I started walking down the dorms when I noticed Train. I started to walk toward him to confront him about the almost-kissing-scene when I noticed someone with him. I immediately hide myself. I knew it was wrong to eavesdrop, but I couldn't help it.

I saw that he was with a girl I have never seen before. She had a doll face, small and cute. She also had short blond hair with bangs. She was wearing a way to short shirt and a white shirt with the symbol, Ouroboros, on her right breast. From what I could tell, she was flirting with him.

All of the sudden they kissed. They had started making out. I couldn't take this. A moment ago he was trying to kiss me, now he was making out with other girl. But it wasn't like we were going out. Somehow, I still felt angry and hurt. I stepped out and walked past them. I would not acknowledge them, I told myself.

They pulled away when they noticed someone had seen them. Train recognized me and froze. "It's alright, continue, I don't mind." I practically yelled. The girl gave me a fierce look but turned back to Train. Train pushed away from her and ran over to me. Tears were already slipping out of my eyes by the time he reached me.

He grabbed me by the arm. I tried pulling away, but it was no use, his grip was strong. I quickly wiped my tears. One thing that I hated the most was letting people see my weaknesses. He spun me around without an expression on his face. His blue eyes glinted with guilt. The moonlight made his hair look greenish-black. As soon as he saw my face, his expression softened. He could tell I was crying. He pulled me into a hug that seemed to last forever. His body was so warm and I felt safe. I didn't know what was happening, but right now I didn't care. I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him closer.

It wasn't until I heard the girl yelling at Train because he left her to hug me that brought me back to earth. I pushed away from him and looked into his eyes. He was startled from the sudden change of mood.

"You were using compulsion on me before and now." I stated. I had looked up compulsion on one of the computers in the library during magic class when the teacher had sent me off because I couldn't do magic. It was a kind of ability you got by becoming vampire. You could make a human do anything you wanted. You could also use it on others vamps, but that would take a lot of power and practice.

He looked surprised, but his expression went cold."You shouldn't have went through with the fight. You shouldn't even be here."

"And who's fault do you think it is for bringing me here?!" I yelled furiously. Was he bipolar or what! He was about to kiss me and then I found he sucking face with another girl! But why was I so mad? He was playing with my emotions, but it wasn't like we were going out. We barley met two days ago!

I turned on my heel and took off running. I could here him yelling after me, but he wasn't going to come after me. I ran through the campus, not wanting to go back to my dorm. The campus stretched miles and miles before it stopped. I ran all the way to the far off gate no guards or students were near and sat with my back against it. I cried for what seemed like forever. I wanted my life back before my parents had died. I wanted everything to be fine. I wanted so much that I couldn't have. I had taken everything for granted when my parents had been alive.

An idea popped into my head. I looked around to make sure no one was looking. There were students walking in the halls and stopped to talk. I would have to wait until sunrise. Nobody would be up then. In the morning, I would run away from school.

Bite Me-Chapter four

When I walked out of the office, Train and two other students were waiting for me. I walked over. Train looked at me as if trying to see what I was thinking, but then he shrugged and turned toward the other students. A girl and a boy, I noticed. The girl was tall with blond hair that cascaded down her shoulders. She resembled a model. She was wearing a soft pink dress that barley reached her knees. She smiled at me when she noticed I was staring and I quickly returned the smile.

The boy was taller than the girl by a couple of feet and had smooth brunette hair. He was wearing denim pants and a white t-shirt the had the symbol of a snake biting its own tail. He gave me a smile with his fangs included. I gave him a big smile as well, but, of course, without including the fangs. Train seemed to notice his friend had his fangs out, because he elbowed him in the stomach hard.

"Hello, my name is Brittney. Just call me Britt." The girl stuck out her hand. I shook it, not wanting to look rude.

The boy stepped forward and lifted my hand. He kissed it lightly and looked up at me." Good evening, I am Claus." Britt kicked him in the back of the knee and he came falling forward. Before he fell on me, I stepped to the side. He came crashing down face first. I noticed eyes on me and looked up. Wide-eyed, Train and Britt stared at me.

"Whats wrong?" I asked, looking behind me to find a huge crowd of students surrounding me. I spun around and found them looking at me with the same wide-eyed expression. I felt a sudden stinging on my left arm and looked down. On the inside of my arm was the symbol of the snake biting its own tail. It was still marking into my skin, carving deep designs onto the snake. I felt another shot of pain coming from my neck. I noticed that was where everyone was looking. The pain was so intense that I felt like crying or screaming. I was NOT the type of person that cried in front of people, let alone vampires.

I stared at my arm again and saw that a sticky red liquid was coming out of my arm when the symbol carved deeper. Blood. Oh no. I couldn't see what was on my neck, but I could feel the warm blood running down my shirt. I covered my arm with my hand and looked around. Everyone was barley getting out of shock but I knew I had to make a run for it. I spun around and pushed past a couple of shocked students. I ran down the hall and into the bathroom. I peeled off my shirt and started scrubbing it hard. I could still feel the burning on my neck and arm. I glanced in the mirror and gasped. A symbol of a crescent moon stretched from my neck bone down to my left breast. Both marks had black outlinings.

I grabbed more paper towels and began scrubbing the blood off of me and my shirt. Once I was finished, I reached into the bag Train had given me. Sure enough, there was a cute red dress with a note taped to it. Looking at the note, I realized it was from Mrs. Granger. She had told me that she would send me more clothes. I tugged on the dress and looked at myself in the mirror. Gasping, I saw that the dress fit perfectly. I noticed it showed a lot of skin. Maybe Mrs.Granger thought it was what kids wore these days. It showed my 'tattoos', as I now called them. I looked admirably at the dress and realized I was super late for my first day at my new school. I glanced at my reflection one more time and ran to my first class, temperately forgetting about my tattoos.

I stood in front of the door to my first period class. I was suddenly embarrassed and remembered the tattoos. Questions like how and why flew through my head. I quickly shut them out and opened the door. Heads turned toward me and I hear whispering start all around the classroom. I saw Train and was relived I found the right classroom.

I stepped into the classroom and turned toward the teacher. He was shorter than most vampires and wore a hawian shirt. He looked older than most vampires too and seemed ready for a vacstion. His brown hair was deep gray and he looked at me, waiting for my excuse." Sorry for being late for class" I murmered.

"Why were you late in the first place?" He questioned me. I felt his eyes burning into me. I hesitated, what was I supposed to say? How was I supposed to explain weird tattos that had appeared on my skin?

"Um... well... I am not actually sure... These weird ta... marks appeared on my skin" I pointed to my neck and left arm," And I started bleeding... so I went to the bathroom." I finished and looked at him. One eyebrow lifted toward me and I could tell he was staring at my tattos.

"Well, this has never happened before... Just go take a seat by your master." He motioned toward Train.

"Master?" I repeated and looked at Train. He was blushing and the other students were snickering. " He is NOT me master." I raised my voice and turned back to the teacher. Everyone quieted and watched my eyes lock with the teachers.

"Since you decided to argue with a teacher, I think I will test your abilities." He motioned toward a boy who I recognized was Claus." You and Claus will spar in the gym at two-thirty after school is out for the day." He turned to the rest of the class."Please inform your friends about the extra lesson at lunch" he told the rest of the class.

"But..." I began and he cut me off by pushing me toward Train.

"Take your seat, and don't forget to go to the gym after school" He said with a chuckle.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Bite Me-chapter three

I woke up two hours later from the sound of bells ringing through the now filled halls. I glanced and realized it was twelve o'clock at night. What was with this school? Having classes at night was insane! I covered my head with a pillow. I started to go back to sleep when I heard a knock on my door.

Getting out of bed with a groan, I went over to the bathroom and looked into the mirror. I gasped. I haven't seen how I looked in ages. My dyed black hair as slightly wavy and went all the way to my shoulders. I had an oval shaped head with large light brown eyes. I had on pink silk PJ's that the principal, Mrs. Granger, had prepared for me. I hated pink, but it was better than torn, muddy clothes that I wore for a week.

I heard another several knocks and ran to the door. Opening it, I gasped in surprise. Train was standing there with a backpack in each hand. He smiled and tossed me one. I caught it and looked up questionably at him.

"Ready for school?" He asked me sarcastically. " I had your schedule made so that we are in all the same classes."

" It's twelve o'clock at night!" I groaned. He laughed. His laugh was musical.

"The principal wants to see you before class" He replied. I looked at him.

"Well I'm ready to see her." I said sarcastically.

While we walked to the Principal's office, I glanced over my schedule.

First Period: combat training
Second Period: Magic
Third Period: compulsion

" There are only three periods!" I exclaimed. In all the schools I have been before the accident, there have been up to seven periods a whole school day. This was great! Maybe it wouldn't be so bad staying here after all, I have no where to go anyway. I glanced at the list again and raised one eyebrow. " Combat training, magic,and compulsion, what kind of school is this?" I asked suspiciously.

" Well, you will find out soon enough" He said as we reached to Principal's door.

Opening the old wooden doors, I lead myself to one of the chairs across from Mrs.Granger. I plopped down into a black leather chair and looked at her expectantly. She smiled and looked directly into my eyes. I held her gaze for a couple of seconds before looking away.

"Miss Welock, As you may had noticed earilier, this is not your average school." She glanced at me and continued on." We are a school of people with unique ablitiles and powers." She glanced at me again, uncertain if she should tell me the secret she was hiding or not. If you knew me ever since I was younger, you would know that I couldn't stand people like that.

" Cut the crap and tell me!" My eyes boared into her. I saw her bit her lip nerviously. She had been mad at my outburst but was more worried about what was about to come out of her mouth.

Finally, for what seemed like forever she continued. " We are a school of the undead. Everyone that atends this school is a vampire. We have a policy that says that if a human comes here, they shall never leave unless they are dead or undead." I stared at her while she paused to look up at me. What was I supposed to think. My mind was a jumble everywhere. I tryed to sort things out but it only made everything more confusing. OK, so I couldn't leave, well unless I was dead or a vampire. And also, this school was a school full of vampires. I took a deep breath. I always wanted my life to be more interesting, I tried to tell myself. What did I think of all this? I glanced at Mrs.Granger, she looked at me waiting for my answer. I looked down at my hands. She wasn't lying from what I could tell. She was being completely honest. So vampires were real, I was concerned and excited at the same time. Before the accident, I was pretending to be a vampire all to time. I decided to accept it with open arms because it couldn't get any weirder than this. And besides, I couldn't run away, I would be caught in no time at all.

" I understand." I said abnormally calm. I saw her looking at me with concerned eyes." I understand all of this. I don't care if the whole school are vampires, I can't leave anyway, might as well made the best of it."

She smiled but still looked surprised. " I am glad you understand." Was all she said before dismissing me to class for the time being.

Bite Me-chapter two part 2

"What! You can't do that!" I screamed fiercely. Mrs. Granger looked at my surprised. She didn't expect me to jump up and yell in her face. She told me I couldn't leave the campus and that I was now enrolled here. Sure it was better than being homeless, but I couldn't stay here! What was she thinking? If I stayed here she would tell the police for sure! I had to go find a place to stay, but I was not staying in this place.

"Please calm down Miss Welock." Mrs. Granger informed me. " I won't tell the police, you can stay here under my protection, and, of course, you can't leave anyway. Humans who come here can never leave."

"What do you mean?"I asked, trying to calm myself. She was hiding something, and I had to find out what. I noticed it was night out and could feel myself getting drowsy. She seemed to notice too.

"You should go get some sleep, we will talk tomorrow night. Our maids will escort you to your room in one of our dorms." She made a motion toward the door. An older woman wearing black and white said hello and started leading me to my room.

I was walking down the hall, following the maid, when someone grabbed my arm. I spun around to find Train staring at me with the guilty expression he gave me back in the classroom.

"I'm sorry" He blurted out before I could say anything. " I know I shouldn't have brought you here but you were injured and the blood... I panicked."I felt the back of my head and could feel the scab from when we fell.

"What do you mean you shouldn't have brought me here?" I asked. I was confused as it is. He looked at me questionably.

"She hasn't told you about this academy?" He said sounding more confused than I was. I wondered what he meant.

"She told me couldn't leave because no 'human' leaves." I replied. I could feel myself getting more drowsy each second that passed.

"Did she explain why?" He asked quickly. He seemed worried. There was concern in his metallic blue eyes.

"Um... no. She sent me off to bed and said we would talk tomorrow. why?" I was on the urge of passing out in front of him. I don't know how I was so tired. Oh yeah, I was homeless a day ago. I stayed up all day and all night waiting to make a run for it if the police came.

"No reason." He said far too quickly. I ignored it, I was to tired to care. " So, you still didn't tell me your name." He changed the subject. I looked up at him, I was still trying to figure him out. He was so different from other guys that I met. What was it about him that made me so attracted to him? Oh no! What was I saying? I just barley met him last night! I finally ignored my inner thoughts and answered the question.

"It's Drew Welock" I told him. He walked me to my room after that, and I fell asleep as soon as I hit the pillow.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Bite Me-chapter two part 1

Voices. How many police were around me? All I knew was that I had to get away. If they found me I would be back in foster care.

My parents had died in a horrible car crash. As soon as I found out it was like something had ripped my heart out and tore it into pieces. I was sent to twenty-one foster care houses in a week. Everyone had sent me back as soon as they had gotten me. The last house I went to last was when I decided to run away. I couldn't take it anymore. If I stayed I was going to go crazy. I didn't take any clothes with me except the ones I was wearing, and I left. I made it for a week and now I was captured again.
I squinted my eyes open. I had to find an exit. I could see several people in the other room. There was only one door, and that door was my only chance. the only problem was that there were people everywhere in the room that the door lend to. I would have to run for it. I slide out of the bed they put me in. Glancing around the room, I realized it looked like a hospital room. All it had was a bed and machines on the wall.
Once I was all the way out of the bed, I felt a sharp pain shoot through my head. Surprised, I yelped. My hand flew to my mouth and my eyes shot over to the door. Nobody was in the other room, I realized. My breath quickened as I spun around. There in front of me were about ten people looking right back at me. How did they get there? I noticed that they were all magnificently beautiful. They could have been famous actors. I knew I had to get away. I didn't know how, but I had to try.
I spun around and took off to the other room. Ignoring the pain coming from my head, I ran to the next room after that and looked all around me. I had to get out! Was all I thought. I noticed as I ran that the surroundings around me started looking like a school. I must have been in the infirmary. I ran through the halls and came across several rooms. Stopping, I opened one. Tons of eyes looked up at me. A classroom. I gulped and started to turn around when I saw that one pair of eyes was Train. He looked shocked to see me. His face also looked worried, but I couldn't tell why. All of the sudden, I felt two pairs of hands grabbed me. I tried to break free but the hands just got tighter.
"Let go of me!" I said as loud as I could. The classroom door was still open and everyone stared
with amused looks. Everyone except Train. He just looked guilty. The two pairs of hands dragged me toward double doors and threw me in a chair. I looked around and realized it must be the principals office. A desk with an intelligent looking young lady was in front of me. She was dressed in a grey blouse and grey skirt. She glanced at me and looked back at her paperwork. She looked about thirty with her serious attitude. She began to speak and I jumped at the sharpness in her voice.
"My name is Mrs. Granger, I am the Principal of this academy." She said. " What is your name and age?" She asked, looking irritated.
" I am Drew Welock, I am six-teen." I said, it was no use in lying. I looked her in the eye. She had a hazel blue color.
" Why were you in the streets when one of my students found you?" she asked, I knew instantly that she was talking about Train.
I told her the whole story up until now. She listened and took notes. I could see she was making a file for me. I wondered why but just continued on with my story. After I had finished, I looked at her, waiting for her to send me off to the police station. Instead, she told me something completely different.
"I am sorry, but you can't leave the school. You could stay in one of the dorms."She studied my face and continued speaking before I could interrupt." Please don't argue Miss Welock, but you can't leave the campus."

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Bite Me-chapter one

I ran as hard as I could, trying to look for a place to hide. I heard the sirens getting closer and could see the red and blue lights in the corner of my eye. No!, I thought, I won't make it!

I ran and reached a narrow, alley littered with makeshift homes made from cardboard. The stench was almost unbearable, it smelled like rotting flesh. I continued running into the dark cluttered pathway. As I tried to maneuver my way through this place, I turned around. SLAM! I hit a wall. Or at least I thought. I looked up to a person about a foot taller than me. He suddenly grabbed me with amazing strength and lifted me as though I was a feather. I was about to scream when a giant hand covered my mouth.

"Silence!" he hissed. His voice was deep and I felt it reach all the way to my core, felt it brush past the wall I had built up after my parents died and go down to my deepest darkest fear. Loneliness.

I absently nodded and felt him sweep me away into the darkest part of the alley. We waited until the sound of sirens could no longer return and he slowly let me free. I spun around but could see nothing in the darkness. I stepped into the faint light of a light post.

"um...hello?" I squinted hard into the blackness of the night. A dark figure stepped out into the patch of light. He looked at me slightly amused. He had metallic blue eyes that shone like the moon. His hair was a jet black hue and reached to the end of his ears. He was strikingly beautiful and reminded me of a Greek god. He also had paper white skin.

He smiled when he noticed I couldn't take my eyes of him." Who are you?" I blurted out, unable to help myself. A couple of moments passed before he answered.

"Train" He replied slowly. He seemed to be getting bored.
Time passed and the silence around us got bigger. When He spoke up again he looked me directly in the eyes.

" Who are you?" He said the word "you" with a lot of emphasis. I started to reply when the sound of sirens seemed to be getting louder.

I looked around and saw an old lady holding a phone through a window in a two-story house. Crap! I thought. The police are coming for me again. The lady probably remembered me from the runaway fliers in the newspapers. I forgot about Train and took off running the opposite way the sound of sirens were coming from. I saw something in the corner of my eye and realized it was Train. He grabbed me by the arm and yanked me forward, urging me to go faster. I ran as hard as I could but was suddenly falling toward the ground. I had tripped over a rock in the ground and was dragging Train with me. I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head and everything went black.