Saturday, April 17, 2010

Bite Me-Chapter six

I knew that running away didn't solve anything. But it was better than being stuck with Train. I had a crush on him the first time we met. I know dark allies are usually scary, but Train made everything in the world disappear when I was with him. We haven't known each other long, but I felt like I knew him since we were little. But I couldn't stand him with other girls. I felt the darkness of my emotions. I hated the girl he was with. I even hated him now.

I packed my little belongings and pretended to sleep until it was five in the morning. Getting up, I decided to climb out the window. There was a hall monitor in the lobby of the dorm. Looking out the window, I gulped. I was on the top floor, which was the fifth floor. I took a deep breath and slide out the window. I felt the ledge beneath me. I moved a foot down until I felt something I could get a hold on. I went to put my other foot down when I slipped.

Oh no! I tried to grab anything I could. I felt the wind pushing up at me. Help! I thought. I heard myself try to scream, but the sound never came. I closed my eyes in defeat. There was nothing I could do now. I braced myself to hit the floor, but it never came either.

Someone was holding me, that was all I knew. I didn't want to open my eyes. I felt safe. Finally, for what seemed like forever, I squinted my eyes open. He had blond hair and was wearing all black. I jumped out of his arms and felt a wave of dizziness. It faded and I looked up at him. He wasn't anybody I knew, but he wasn't a student. I looked at his clothing again and noticed by his jacket that he must be a guard. Great. I turned around and walked back toward the dorms, there was no point. I wasn't going to run away after all.

Grabbing my arm, he turned me around." Where are you going off to?Weren't you going to run away?" I looked at him, shocked. He was going to let me go.

" Then you'll let me go then?" I questioned him. He only nodded. I saw he had a name tag that read 'Hero'. I smiled at him and grabbed my bag that had fallen with me. "Thank you, Hero." I said and ran toward the far off gate.

I didn't question him for letting me go, I just had to get out of here before everyone woke up. I jumped over the fence and took off running until I got tired.

I was a mile away from the school when I heard a laugh and spun around. Hero was sitting on a tree branch that wasn't far away from me.

"What... Who are you really?" I questioned him. I should have suspected him from the beginning. He couldn't have been a guard if he let me go.

He laughed again and smiled at me. " I am Hero, but, despite my name,I am nowhere close to a hero." He smirked. "I actually snuck into the school when I saw you falling from the dorm building. I saved you, and now you owe me your life."

I was the one laughing this time. He sounded like he was from a comic book. I stopped laughing when I realized he was serious."You didn't have to save me." I said. " You could have just let me die."

His smile faltered." Well, this will be easy then. I think I will torture you until you beg for me to kill you." With that, He jumped toward me and pinned me to a tree. My head slammed into the old oak of the tree and I gritted my teeth. I fought to break free, but it was pointless. He was strong. Too strong. I felt my body go limp in defeat.

"Already giving up?" He grinned," Well, I guess I will kill you quickly." He slammed me into the tree three more times. I felt blood in the back of my head. My vision was blurring. I screamed as loud as I could. I knew it probably wouldn't help, but I couldn't die right now. Hero slammed me one last time into the oak tree and left. He left me for dead.

My vision was still blurry, but I could see tons of the school guards running toward me and searching the area for who did this to me. I already knew he was long gone. My scream had been heard. If they were human, nobody would have found me. Vampires had far better hearing.

I whimpered from the pain and loss of blood. Soon though, I couldn't feel anything. I knew I was dieing, but it was peaceful in a weird way. I closed my eyes, letting the darkness take over me. I heard shouting. They wanted me to hang on, to wake up, but I couldn't. I was tired of fighting.

I opened my eyes while they were carrying me back to the school. I wasn't dead yet, but once I made it back, I would be. I think the guards knew that too, because I heard them talking about my pulse slowing.

When we reached the school, I was barley hanging on. I felt myself slipping away from life. I tired to hold on but it was too late. The guards burst into the principals office. I realized that Train was there. He looked grim when he talked to her. When he turned around, his face held an expression he never showed around anyone. Tears streaked his face. I tried to say something, but only a whisper came.

The guards lay me on the floor. I felt like I was in a dream. Everything was framed with white , and everyone seemed unreal. The principal was talking to me, but I couldn't hear her. Train leaned down and kissed my forehead. I couldn't feel it, but I imaged what it would feel like.

I noticed something silver out of the corner of my eyes. It was handed to Train. He held out his arm and made a slashing movement. I whimpered when I saw red. Blood. Train knelt over me and pressed his arm next to my mouth. I tasted something and started drinking it. I couldn't stop once I started. It was sweet, yet sour and tasted like nothing I have ever tasted before. I couldn't describe how good it was.

I felt Train yank away and I whimpered. Suddenly, I felt a burning inside of me. It was worst than any heartburn I had ever felt before. I started screaming and the guards held me down. My vision blurred again and everything around me seemed to disappear. The burning got worse to where I couldn't even scream. I tried to break out of the guards arms, but it was pointless. The burning was like getting burned from the inside out.

The burning finally subsided and I relaxed. I heard my heartbeat slow. I couldn't breath, but it was alright. I felt relaxed and peaceful. Dieing wasn't supposed to be peaceful, but I didn't care. I closed my eyes, and the last thing I saw was Train's face.

But a minute later I was awake. I blinked and looked around. Train stood in front of me. Most of

the guards left, but two guarded the door. Mrs.Granger walked over to me and touched my shoulder. I flinched and shrugged her hand off. She looked at me with sad eyes.

"Do you know who you are?" She asked me. I glanced at Train, who had moved back for Mrs.Granger.

"Drew" I answered, still looking at Train. He was still crying lightly. I stood up and the guards rushed over to me and held me down. I pushed at one guard and realized that I sent him off flying into a wall. I did the same to the other and walked over to Train. He looked at me sadly and I reached toward him. This time he was the one who flinched. I pulled my hand back and walked to a nearby chair. I sat down and pulled my legs into my chest. I put my head down and closed my eyes.

Why had he flinched? Why had I flinched? All of the sudden I remembered. Hero, a guy pretending to be a school guard, attacked me. I felt a tear slide down my eye at the memory. I felt scared all over again, helpless. I cried harder. I held myself tighter.

I felt arms wrap around and looked up. Train. He hugged me and everything else in the world disappeared. Nothing else mattered right now.

"I am so sorry. So, so sorry. I didn't mean to say those things, or to flinch I-" He was saying when I cut him off. I looked up at him.

"I am sorry for what I did too, but I have something to report before this school is in serious danger." I turned to Mrs.Granger and told her everything about Hero up until now. Her eyes widened at the mention of Hero, but she didn't speak until I was done.

"Hero is the bad half of a vampire. Every vampire deals with their bad half. Only some can destroy theirs. Those who don't are taken over by their dark half."She spoke grimly.

"Does anyone want to explain how I am still alive? I mean, he slammed me into a tree about twenty times." I blurted out. Everyone looked at me like I was stupid or something.

Finally, Train answered." I turned you into a vampire, when you tasted my blood, what did you think you were drinking, chocolate milk?" He said sarcastically."Oh, and your dead, or undead, either way, you died once."

I stared at him, my jaw hitting the floor. I finally understood everything. "OK, I get it now." I said as calmly as I could. No wonder everything looked different. Everything had looked sharper when I woke but I hadn't been paying much attention. I had been to confused.

Train looked at me and laughed. My eyes shot up at him. His laugh was musical. "You are the same as ever." He looked at me with a big smile. "You just accept anything that comes flying toward you." This time I smiled. I knew I should be shocked about being a vampire, but something inside me told me that I already knew and I just wanted to hear it be told to me aloud. Train seemed to be thinking the same thing.

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