Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Bite Me-chapter eight

Combat training was easy. I fought everyone, and lost every time. I was weak for being a new vampire. I say I lost every fight, but the truth is, I beat Claus. I also found out he was the weakest in the entire class, but he was strong compared to humans. Great. I thought I was pretty strong until falling on my butt about a thousand times. I was bruised head to toe. Walking to second period was going to be horrific. A couple of people looked at me apologetically, others laughed.

A girl with a doll face and cute smile came up to me in magic class. I recognized her as the girl with Train the night of the fight. They were practically sucking face when I was walking out of the gym. Looking at her now sent a chill down my spine.

"You ruined my life!"She screamed in my face. I could see that in the corner of my eyes that a circle of students were gathering around us. Probably hoping we would fight. I looked at her like she was stupid, then started walking away.

When I turned around, I slammed into a wall. It was sticking out of the ground and I saw that it was connected to earth. I spun around to find the girl smiling and others laughing.

"I'm Haven, your worst nightmare."She hissed. I ignored her and looked back at the wall. Her magical element must be earth, I thought. I heard one day in magic class that you were given one element from the queen when you were turned. The queen was at the royal court on a island the human race didn't know about. It was the most talked about subject in this school. I wasn't given an element from the queen, but Mrs. Granger, the principal, had told me that the queen would be coming to the school just to see me. She also told me to keep it a secret for my own good. If I told everyone, I would get bombarded with questions.

I looked back at Haven and got ready for another attack. She smiled again and closed her eyes. Dumb move. I ran toward her and struck out my fist. Something flashed in front of me and I found that I couldn't stop the punch. A sharp pain ran through my body and I yelped. Falling back, I held my hand close to me like it was a baby. Some people cheered for Haven and others just shook their heads in disappointment at me.

I closed my eyes and didn't move. This was beyond embarrassing, and I just wanted to beat the crap out of Haven. I refused to cry, no matter how bad the pain was. I slowly stood up, fiery being the only thing that fueled me. Dropping my left, now useless, arm, I charged toward her. I caught her by surprise and kicked her in the face. She screamed as I punched her again. I made sure she didn't have time to use her magic, I was going to kill this little witch. I heard people shouting at me to stop, seeing that I went to far, but I ignored them. Some tried to pull me off, but I knocked them backward.

I stopped when I saw the blood on my hands. I had broken Haven nose, I noticed. Looking at the blood, my mouth started to water. Human blood was just to keep me alive, but other vampire blood looked so good. Wait, what was I thinking? All the other vampires thought each others blood was the most disgusting thing on the planet. Why was I different?

The smell of Havens blood engulfed me and I leaned forward. She was whimpering, but not moving. Probably afraid of what I would do next. I saw her neck and froze. What am I doing? Questions floated around in my head. I shook them away and leaned even closer to bit into her neck when I got yanked off her. I looked up to find Train looking at me with a disproving look.

He told the students that were still surrounding to take Haven to the infirmary and then dragged me off to the Principals office without saying a word. I walked in looking at the floor. I felt bad. Not for Haven, but that I made Train mad. I had never seen him so mad before. Mrs. Granger looked up when we were in the room and the door was closed. Glancing around the room, trying to avoid her eyes, I noticed someone else in the room.

A tall boy wearing all black with a face that looked similar to Train's, smiled a friendly smile that didn't reach his eyes. He seemed only two years older than Train. He stood up and walked toward me. Train was wearing a blank face as soon as we walked in. I glanced at him and then back at the boy. He held out his hand and I took it. I winced when we shook hands and noticed that I was covered in bruises. Today had to be the worse day ever.

I realized he never let go of my hand and started to pull away when he spoke."Allow me" He said softly. His voice was deeper than Train's and had a sexy sound mixed in with it. He put his other hand on my arm and closed his eyes. Gasping, I stared wide-eyed at what he had done. He stepped back and watched me with amusement all over his face. All of my bruises were gone, not even showing that they had ever been there. "I am a spirit user. My name is Bram. I am also Train's older brother." He spoke with a smile playing on his lips. He seemed to be interested in me.

Looking at him, I said." I'm Drew. Nice to have met you, but I have to go." I had to get out of here. I could feel burning in my stomach, I was hungry, but not for human food. I walked over to Mrs.Granger and gave her a look to say I needed to talk to her. Maybe it happened to some vampires.

"Miss Welock, If you have something to say, you can say it in front of the Queens most trusted friend, Mr. Linberg." Oh great. Well, I had to tell her sometime, or I might pass out from hunger.

"I hate human blood" I spoke quickly, not looking at anyone."When I was beating the crap out of Haven, I broke her nose and blood was everywhere, I almost bit into her and sucked her dry." I said the rest dryly. I hated this. I felt embarrassed. I heard a gasp come from her but the boys stayed silent.

"That's impossible."She said,more to herself than me. She turned toward Train and Bram questionably. It was Bram who spoke.

"Our family is the only one that can make vampires who desire each others blood. Drew is the second. The first died of starvation because she refused to drink from other vampires, saying she wanted to be a normal kind of vampire. Anyone we turn will turn into a vampire who feeds off willing vampire donors. Their bit is wonderful though, and if everyone knew that Drew was turned by Train, they would be begging her to bit them. Luckily, Mrs.Granger told everyone she turned Drew."

He finished and looked at me for a reaction, but I didn't have one. A small fire of hunger was burning inside of me. Bram and Train seemed to notice and looked at each other. Train walked over to me and took me outside.

We walked over to the boy dorms and up the stairs to his room. Once inside, I saw that his room was simple. It said nothing about him ,besides the fact that he kept everything neat. He lead me over to his bed and tossed me on it. I looked up at him questionably. He sat on top of me now and I felt my breath quicken. He looked at me with his intense blue eyes, studying my mouth, cheek, and down to my neck. He leaned closer and kissed me. It was a deep, passionate kiss, filled with warmth and happiness. I didn't care what was happening anymore, all I saw was him.

He kissed me softly until he got to my neck. My breath caught and a sharp pain ringed through my body. The pain was soon replaced with joy and I was really happy for some reason. He slowly pulled away and looked into my eyes. He pressed his lips to mine again and I pulled him closer. I felt him slipping off my shirt and holding my thigh, bringing me closer.

I rolled over so that I was on top of him, and leaned forward. I bit into his neck without hesitation and took blood from his veins. I felt his life getting smaller and heard him telling me to stop. Suddenly, I felt cold water splash down on me. I pulled away and threw myself into the nearest wall, putting my arm on my fangs to control myself. I saw that Bram was standing with a bucket near Train. Looking at Train, I saw him slowly sit up, holding his neck. He looked paler than before and I looked back down.

"I'm sorry."I said. I felt tears threatening to fall. I almost killed Train, for good. My emotions began to stur and I noticed that I bit my own arm trying to stay away. I slid down until I was sitting on the floor. I bring my knees up and covered my face. I felt awful, how could I do something like that?

I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up. Bram looked at me with a sympathetic expression. "You will be able to control it soon, Train and I both drink other vampire blood too. Family curse, I guess." He shrugged and looked back at Train. " He'll be fine after a days rest, but you have to visit the queen in an hour. I suggest you get ready."He finished and walked over to the door.

After that, he sent me off the get ready to meet the queen.

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