Thursday, April 15, 2010

Bite Me-Chapter four

When I walked out of the office, Train and two other students were waiting for me. I walked over. Train looked at me as if trying to see what I was thinking, but then he shrugged and turned toward the other students. A girl and a boy, I noticed. The girl was tall with blond hair that cascaded down her shoulders. She resembled a model. She was wearing a soft pink dress that barley reached her knees. She smiled at me when she noticed I was staring and I quickly returned the smile.

The boy was taller than the girl by a couple of feet and had smooth brunette hair. He was wearing denim pants and a white t-shirt the had the symbol of a snake biting its own tail. He gave me a smile with his fangs included. I gave him a big smile as well, but, of course, without including the fangs. Train seemed to notice his friend had his fangs out, because he elbowed him in the stomach hard.

"Hello, my name is Brittney. Just call me Britt." The girl stuck out her hand. I shook it, not wanting to look rude.

The boy stepped forward and lifted my hand. He kissed it lightly and looked up at me." Good evening, I am Claus." Britt kicked him in the back of the knee and he came falling forward. Before he fell on me, I stepped to the side. He came crashing down face first. I noticed eyes on me and looked up. Wide-eyed, Train and Britt stared at me.

"Whats wrong?" I asked, looking behind me to find a huge crowd of students surrounding me. I spun around and found them looking at me with the same wide-eyed expression. I felt a sudden stinging on my left arm and looked down. On the inside of my arm was the symbol of the snake biting its own tail. It was still marking into my skin, carving deep designs onto the snake. I felt another shot of pain coming from my neck. I noticed that was where everyone was looking. The pain was so intense that I felt like crying or screaming. I was NOT the type of person that cried in front of people, let alone vampires.

I stared at my arm again and saw that a sticky red liquid was coming out of my arm when the symbol carved deeper. Blood. Oh no. I couldn't see what was on my neck, but I could feel the warm blood running down my shirt. I covered my arm with my hand and looked around. Everyone was barley getting out of shock but I knew I had to make a run for it. I spun around and pushed past a couple of shocked students. I ran down the hall and into the bathroom. I peeled off my shirt and started scrubbing it hard. I could still feel the burning on my neck and arm. I glanced in the mirror and gasped. A symbol of a crescent moon stretched from my neck bone down to my left breast. Both marks had black outlinings.

I grabbed more paper towels and began scrubbing the blood off of me and my shirt. Once I was finished, I reached into the bag Train had given me. Sure enough, there was a cute red dress with a note taped to it. Looking at the note, I realized it was from Mrs. Granger. She had told me that she would send me more clothes. I tugged on the dress and looked at myself in the mirror. Gasping, I saw that the dress fit perfectly. I noticed it showed a lot of skin. Maybe Mrs.Granger thought it was what kids wore these days. It showed my 'tattoos', as I now called them. I looked admirably at the dress and realized I was super late for my first day at my new school. I glanced at my reflection one more time and ran to my first class, temperately forgetting about my tattoos.

I stood in front of the door to my first period class. I was suddenly embarrassed and remembered the tattoos. Questions like how and why flew through my head. I quickly shut them out and opened the door. Heads turned toward me and I hear whispering start all around the classroom. I saw Train and was relived I found the right classroom.

I stepped into the classroom and turned toward the teacher. He was shorter than most vampires and wore a hawian shirt. He looked older than most vampires too and seemed ready for a vacstion. His brown hair was deep gray and he looked at me, waiting for my excuse." Sorry for being late for class" I murmered.

"Why were you late in the first place?" He questioned me. I felt his eyes burning into me. I hesitated, what was I supposed to say? How was I supposed to explain weird tattos that had appeared on my skin?

"Um... well... I am not actually sure... These weird ta... marks appeared on my skin" I pointed to my neck and left arm," And I started bleeding... so I went to the bathroom." I finished and looked at him. One eyebrow lifted toward me and I could tell he was staring at my tattos.

"Well, this has never happened before... Just go take a seat by your master." He motioned toward Train.

"Master?" I repeated and looked at Train. He was blushing and the other students were snickering. " He is NOT me master." I raised my voice and turned back to the teacher. Everyone quieted and watched my eyes lock with the teachers.

"Since you decided to argue with a teacher, I think I will test your abilities." He motioned toward a boy who I recognized was Claus." You and Claus will spar in the gym at two-thirty after school is out for the day." He turned to the rest of the class."Please inform your friends about the extra lesson at lunch" he told the rest of the class.

"But..." I began and he cut me off by pushing me toward Train.

"Take your seat, and don't forget to go to the gym after school" He said with a chuckle.

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