Saturday, April 10, 2010

Bite Me-chapter three

I woke up two hours later from the sound of bells ringing through the now filled halls. I glanced and realized it was twelve o'clock at night. What was with this school? Having classes at night was insane! I covered my head with a pillow. I started to go back to sleep when I heard a knock on my door.

Getting out of bed with a groan, I went over to the bathroom and looked into the mirror. I gasped. I haven't seen how I looked in ages. My dyed black hair as slightly wavy and went all the way to my shoulders. I had an oval shaped head with large light brown eyes. I had on pink silk PJ's that the principal, Mrs. Granger, had prepared for me. I hated pink, but it was better than torn, muddy clothes that I wore for a week.

I heard another several knocks and ran to the door. Opening it, I gasped in surprise. Train was standing there with a backpack in each hand. He smiled and tossed me one. I caught it and looked up questionably at him.

"Ready for school?" He asked me sarcastically. " I had your schedule made so that we are in all the same classes."

" It's twelve o'clock at night!" I groaned. He laughed. His laugh was musical.

"The principal wants to see you before class" He replied. I looked at him.

"Well I'm ready to see her." I said sarcastically.

While we walked to the Principal's office, I glanced over my schedule.

First Period: combat training
Second Period: Magic
Third Period: compulsion

" There are only three periods!" I exclaimed. In all the schools I have been before the accident, there have been up to seven periods a whole school day. This was great! Maybe it wouldn't be so bad staying here after all, I have no where to go anyway. I glanced at the list again and raised one eyebrow. " Combat training, magic,and compulsion, what kind of school is this?" I asked suspiciously.

" Well, you will find out soon enough" He said as we reached to Principal's door.

Opening the old wooden doors, I lead myself to one of the chairs across from Mrs.Granger. I plopped down into a black leather chair and looked at her expectantly. She smiled and looked directly into my eyes. I held her gaze for a couple of seconds before looking away.

"Miss Welock, As you may had noticed earilier, this is not your average school." She glanced at me and continued on." We are a school of people with unique ablitiles and powers." She glanced at me again, uncertain if she should tell me the secret she was hiding or not. If you knew me ever since I was younger, you would know that I couldn't stand people like that.

" Cut the crap and tell me!" My eyes boared into her. I saw her bit her lip nerviously. She had been mad at my outburst but was more worried about what was about to come out of her mouth.

Finally, for what seemed like forever she continued. " We are a school of the undead. Everyone that atends this school is a vampire. We have a policy that says that if a human comes here, they shall never leave unless they are dead or undead." I stared at her while she paused to look up at me. What was I supposed to think. My mind was a jumble everywhere. I tryed to sort things out but it only made everything more confusing. OK, so I couldn't leave, well unless I was dead or a vampire. And also, this school was a school full of vampires. I took a deep breath. I always wanted my life to be more interesting, I tried to tell myself. What did I think of all this? I glanced at Mrs.Granger, she looked at me waiting for my answer. I looked down at my hands. She wasn't lying from what I could tell. She was being completely honest. So vampires were real, I was concerned and excited at the same time. Before the accident, I was pretending to be a vampire all to time. I decided to accept it with open arms because it couldn't get any weirder than this. And besides, I couldn't run away, I would be caught in no time at all.

" I understand." I said abnormally calm. I saw her looking at me with concerned eyes." I understand all of this. I don't care if the whole school are vampires, I can't leave anyway, might as well made the best of it."

She smiled but still looked surprised. " I am glad you understand." Was all she said before dismissing me to class for the time being.

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