Thursday, April 15, 2010

Bite Me-Chapter five

" I can't believe you got in trouble your first day of school." Train groaned as we walked to the gym. While we walked, I realized that students have stopped and to star at me. Great. I had wanted to be invincible during school so I wouldn't have any problems. well, that plan backfired.

"I'm surprised that your not talking about my tattoos." I glanced down at my arm. Train had told me that the snake biting its own tail was called Ouroboros. It meant rouge vampires, but the school was very civilized and it was meant to warn real rouge vampires.

He laughed and turned toward me. He stopped when he was in front of me. He took my arm and traced the tattoo. I shivered and he looked into my eyes. He wasn't smiling anymore and he looked at me with his metallic blue eyes, searching my face."You want to kiss me." His voice was deep and husky. Suddenly, I wanted to kiss him so much. I leaned forward and nodded. He smiled and leaned down. I could hear some students stopping and whistling but didn't care. All I wanted to do was kiss him.

Did I? A voice popped in my head. Did I really want to kiss him?Yes, the answer had to be yes. I closed my eyes and leaned in closer.

I felt him suddenly push away from me and continued walking. I just stared after him in question. I felt tears threaten to come out but blinked them away as fast as they had come. He probably thought that I would miss the fight and cry in the bathroom, I realized. That jerk, well, I am NOT giving up now. I walked off toward the gym furiously.

I burst through the doors and toward to mats in the middle of the gym. The bleachers against the wall were filled with students and teachers waiting for the fight. I caught a glimpse of Train in one of the bottom row bleachers looking shocked to see me walking over toward the mats. He called out to me to forfeit, but I turned away and walked forward.

Once at the mats, the teacher instructed me to face Claus. Claus whispered sorry and the fight began.

Claus suddenly disappeared. I spun around just as he was about to attack me in the back and barley managed to doge it. I readied myself for another attack. He was fast, but I had to be faster. It is not easy considering he is a vampire. Still, I was furious and I needed to get it out.

I felt a hit to my back and stumbled forward, only to find him in front of me. I knew he was going to punch up and dodged it, swinging my fist toward his face. It hit him hard and he stumbled a little. That was all I needed. I quickly punched him in the stomach and he doubled forward. The crowd gasped. They hadn't expected me to even land a hit and I knew it. I glanced over at Train and pointed a figure toward him. Everyone turned and looked at Train.

"You're next." I said loudly for everyone to hear. I turned back to find that Claus was gone. I spun around and was hit right in the stomach. I ignored the pain and lunged at him. He dodged and kicked me in the side. I fell to the ground and heard the teacher counting down from ten.

I closed my eyes and thought back to when I was only nine. My mom had made me sign up for karate to learn how to defend myself after I was bullied by the other girls in my class. I tried to remember what I had learned. All of the sudden, My eyes flew open and I jumped up before the teacher could say one. He looked at me, shocked I could still stand.

I turned toward Claus who seemed to be equally surprised, and lashed out a kick to his head. It landed because of how quick I was. He staggered and I punched him in the face. He fell to the floor but got up quickly. lashed out again and he dodged it. We fought like that for a while. Hitting and punching at each other.

Claus finally pinned me down."Well, your good at karate, but your still a human."And that was it. That was all he said. I struggled to break free, but he only held me tighter. The teacher counted down to one and it was over. Claus helped me up but staggered back and I fell on top of him.

"Ow..." I heard he say. I rolled off of him and lay beside him on the mats. I couldn't feel anything now, but i knew it would hurt. The bleachers became empty as more students and teachers left and I got up.

The teacher stuck out his hand and smiled." Good job fighting our strongest person. I know he went harder on you the most of our students. You will make a fine vampire. I am glad to welcome you into our classroom. I am Mr.Barnes." He finished and I shook his hand.

" I'm Drew, thank you for accepting me into your class." I said, but the words 'you will make a fine vampire' stuck to me. I said my byes to Claus and Mr,Barnes and left toward the dorms.

I started walking down the dorms when I noticed Train. I started to walk toward him to confront him about the almost-kissing-scene when I noticed someone with him. I immediately hide myself. I knew it was wrong to eavesdrop, but I couldn't help it.

I saw that he was with a girl I have never seen before. She had a doll face, small and cute. She also had short blond hair with bangs. She was wearing a way to short shirt and a white shirt with the symbol, Ouroboros, on her right breast. From what I could tell, she was flirting with him.

All of the sudden they kissed. They had started making out. I couldn't take this. A moment ago he was trying to kiss me, now he was making out with other girl. But it wasn't like we were going out. Somehow, I still felt angry and hurt. I stepped out and walked past them. I would not acknowledge them, I told myself.

They pulled away when they noticed someone had seen them. Train recognized me and froze. "It's alright, continue, I don't mind." I practically yelled. The girl gave me a fierce look but turned back to Train. Train pushed away from her and ran over to me. Tears were already slipping out of my eyes by the time he reached me.

He grabbed me by the arm. I tried pulling away, but it was no use, his grip was strong. I quickly wiped my tears. One thing that I hated the most was letting people see my weaknesses. He spun me around without an expression on his face. His blue eyes glinted with guilt. The moonlight made his hair look greenish-black. As soon as he saw my face, his expression softened. He could tell I was crying. He pulled me into a hug that seemed to last forever. His body was so warm and I felt safe. I didn't know what was happening, but right now I didn't care. I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him closer.

It wasn't until I heard the girl yelling at Train because he left her to hug me that brought me back to earth. I pushed away from him and looked into his eyes. He was startled from the sudden change of mood.

"You were using compulsion on me before and now." I stated. I had looked up compulsion on one of the computers in the library during magic class when the teacher had sent me off because I couldn't do magic. It was a kind of ability you got by becoming vampire. You could make a human do anything you wanted. You could also use it on others vamps, but that would take a lot of power and practice.

He looked surprised, but his expression went cold."You shouldn't have went through with the fight. You shouldn't even be here."

"And who's fault do you think it is for bringing me here?!" I yelled furiously. Was he bipolar or what! He was about to kiss me and then I found he sucking face with another girl! But why was I so mad? He was playing with my emotions, but it wasn't like we were going out. We barley met two days ago!

I turned on my heel and took off running. I could here him yelling after me, but he wasn't going to come after me. I ran through the campus, not wanting to go back to my dorm. The campus stretched miles and miles before it stopped. I ran all the way to the far off gate no guards or students were near and sat with my back against it. I cried for what seemed like forever. I wanted my life back before my parents had died. I wanted everything to be fine. I wanted so much that I couldn't have. I had taken everything for granted when my parents had been alive.

An idea popped into my head. I looked around to make sure no one was looking. There were students walking in the halls and stopped to talk. I would have to wait until sunrise. Nobody would be up then. In the morning, I would run away from school.

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